William Noland - Sculpture

1979 - 2023

My work in sculpture has been made in conversation with the built world, both through an interest in the overlap between sculpture and architecture as well as in the way three-dimensional art can be abstracted to conjure and reference human scale and the world of functional objects.

Black Pool 1996-99 h. 31” x w. 96” x d. 228” wood, steel stainless steel, iron, cement, plexiglas


Sculptures about human presence and our consciousness of movement through space, these pieces began as carefully preserved spatial improvisations which are then subjected to a far longer process of connecting, engineering and refining, giving them the rigor of carefully calibrated, self-contained systems. MORE


This series of sculptures initially used both the wall and floor as support surfaces, later continuing as free-standing sculptures that utilized planar surfaces within a given sculpture that functioned as wall or floor., focusing particularly on a viewer’s likely movement through space, over time. MORE


Sculptures that explore permutations of verticality: balanced constructs, stacked material, silhouettes, structures with significant openings or gaps. MORE


Rudimentary configurations in bronze and clay that explore architectonic structure and enclosure. illustrating flux states that suggest structures either in formation or coming apart. MORE

Other Websites: William Noland - Photographs William Noland - Films